To commemorate the release of the first volume of "Record of Ragnarok: Apocalypse of the Gods" on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, Core Mix Inc.'s (Musashino City, Tokyo) official manga app "Manga Hot" will be offering a greatly increased free range of related works for a limited time.

The first volume of the first god-side spinoff of the popular series "Record of Ragnarok", "Record of Ragnarok Forbidden: Apocalypse of the Gods", will be released on Wednesday, November 20, 2024. To commemorate this, the official Coremix app "Manga Hot" will be offering a much larger free range of related works.

Eligible works:
■ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie 15 volumes free
■Record of Ragnarok: The Legend of Lu Bu Fengxian, the Flying General, 3 volumes free
■Record of Ragnarok: The Case Files of Jack the Ripper - 2 volumes free
Implementation period:
For two weeks from Saturday, November 16, 2024 to Friday, November 29, 2024
"Manga Hot" is the official Coremix manga app that handles over 200 works, mainly Zenon Comics. Be sure to download the app and enjoy the latest works.
Click here to download the "Manga Hot" app
Volume 1 of "Record of Ragnarok: Apocalypse of the Gods" will be released on November 20th!

▼Volume 1 Synopsis▼
Once every 1000 years, the gods hold a conference to decide the survival of mankind. Provoked by one of the Valkyries, a one-on-one match between gods and humans is brought about, with the survival of mankind at stake. Encouraged, the gods' fighting spirit is ignited and they become murderous over who will compete. However, Zeus unilaterally selects the 12 contestants. Some of the gods are outraged by his tyranny. Zeus tells them, "I will hand over the final spot to the strongest of the gods," and so the selection battle to decide who will represent the gods begins.
With the popularity of spin-off works also on the rise, the world of "Record of Ragnarok" is expanding more and more, so take this opportunity to fully experience it.
Read "Apocalypse of the Gods"